Healer of Swords

A New Healer

Full of the best of intentions, I wanted to share each of the 4 Healer Guide cards from the Rainbow Travellers Tarot in recognition of the week of Sept 8th to the 14th which was Invisible Illness Awareness Week.  As life would have it my own struggles with Fibromyalgia, Migraines and Chronic Fatigue kind of got in the way of me posting each day. While a bit disappointed I didn’t meet that rather lofty goal, I won’t let that stop me from continuing on with my original intention, even if it takes me longer than I would have liked.

One of the things about living with a chronic illness is that you have to accept that you have limitations, and they can change daily.  One of the most important things you can do to support yourself is to rethink the initial thoughts you might have at not being able to do what you set out, and to reset new more achievable goals, while being kind and gentle with yourself. Not always an easy thing to do and the Healer of Swords can help with this and so many other challenges.


© 2015 Carmen Waterman - The Healer of Swords

The Healer of Swords is balanced as she swirls and focuses on the present moment.  She is wise and uses her intuition to clearly see what you are facing.  She is aware of the power of words and understands the times when there was a need to dance around what you could say to feel safe.  Swords is a suit of our thoughts and our mind.  The endless conversations that occur in our inner world that often have an impact on our perceptions and in fact the reality of our experiences.  The Healer of Swords is ready to take on old beliefs about illnesses of the mind.  So many of us struggle from thoughts of self-doubt, unworthiness, and despair.  We can become trapped playing back old tapes and messages that keep us down.  Depression is another battle I have personally struggled with since my teens.  At times this particular illness has robbed me of hope and the richness that life can be.

The Healer of Swords is the champion who will help you to overcome limiting thoughts, and the words and shadows of darkness that can descend.  There are times we stay awake at night, unable to change our train of thoughts, seeing things as only black and white with the worse case scenario playing out over and over again.  She is your guide to being present allowing you to let go of the past, and put aside concerns of the future.  With grace and strength her two sided sword is able to cut through to the truth.  Her grace and understanding is able to turn the tables around so that you can see things more clearly.  She is on your side and will help you to rethink and define what has been playing out in your mind.  To bring relief to the troubles you are facing and with ease help you to overcome any challenge.

For me the Healer of Swords has helped me to erase some of the old tapes that would seem to play over and over in my head.  Her wisdom has helped me to see the difference between perception and truth and to be kinder with the way I talk to myself.  One of the biggest steps in healing.

May all people know the strength and wisdom of the Healer of Swords and become their own champion, believing in themselves.

Brightest Blessings


  1. Keechy
    | Reply

    Lovely explanation! Thank you! I think I need a little more of her in my life too.

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