© 2015 Carmen Waterman - Four of Swords

Four of Swords

© 2015 Carmen Waterman - Four of SwordsThe Ever Present Need to Unwind

Today’s card is the Four of Swords which is a card that encourages us to step away from activity and connect with the energy that recharges us. How appropriate for this to be the card I drew today in looking for guidance and what I need to be reminded of. The Four of Swords often comes after a period of struggle which has been wearing you down. It may be a conflict where the boundaries seem obscure or the actual reasons behind the problem have become so twisted it is hard to even know what the real issue is. It may be that the responsibilities and tasks ahead of you seem insurmountable or that you are being pulled in too many different directions. It may be that the direction forward is clouded with uncertainty or fear or that you are just trying to do too much.

Whatever the situation the Four of Swords is your guide for self-care and making time to quiet the mind and restore the self. You need to find peace and harmony to have the strength to fight another day. Too often we miss the signs that our intuition would have us pay attention to and this card is the indication that you need to ground yourself and recharge.

This young warrior has left the busy activity of the castle and is taking time to walk under the stars and moon. Connecting with the beauty and uncluttered sounds of the night. She stands letting the wind catch at her, feeling its energy wash away the things that have been troubling her mind. Her spirit animal has heard her call and is flying in to be near her. Bringing the wisdom of the owl to comfort and provide a clearing of the issues and concerns that have been troubling her. While she carries her weapon it is held loosely, hanging down as in this moment there is no need to be on guard. What she needs now is time to be still and present in the moment. For in this moment she will not worry about the past or think about the future. It is in the stillness of the moment, just allowing herself to be, that she will find the key of balance and the energy to carry on.

How often in today’s busy-ness do we forget to just breathe and let go. How often do we recognize our own needs for self-care? It is not selfish to recognize what we need and the limitations of what we are able to do. Often when things seem the most overwhelming it is because we have neglected the necessity to break from what is draining us and to make time for what recharges us.

Our minds are constantly processing information and in this day of multi-tasking and trying to do more with less we forget that life is about more than what is expected of us (both by others and by ourselves). The Four of Swords is about stepping back and making time to restore our life force and energy.

Affirmation for the Four of Swords – “In this moment I will give myself permission to do what I need to do for myself.”

Know that you cannot begin to care for others, resolve problems or conflicts, or do what has to be done if you do not find a reprieve and allow the things that bring you peace and comfort you to be a priority.

What do you need a break from?

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